Where to find me around the web

My Homesteading Forum - Heritage of Homesteading 
 Just like having Great Grandma only a click away!©WHP 2001

My items for sale on Bonanza.com - War Horse Pines Booth
    I design charted patterns that can be used for needlepoint, counted cross-stich or beading. You won't find these charts available anywhere else on the net.  You can order them on a CDrom, printed or via download.   I also create beautiful one of a kind heirloom beaded sewing Chatelaines from antique and vintage jewelry.

My Scrapbooking Sales Page - MidNite Moon Designs

My Amazon booth - War Horse Pines Storefront

My two websites - War Horse Pines II and War Horse Pines I (be nice this was my first attempt at a website back in 1997, I just keep it up to remind me what not to do to a website)

PIRC Forum Homepage

And on PhotoImpact International